Saturday, February 13, 2010

Find anything in Youtube

Above is a YouTube video that demonstrates the use of a “wild card” in the Google search engine. This is so interesting because through this, I am actually learning about an Internet tool, through an Internet tool. This is probably, the wonder of YouTube – learning and sharing through videos.

I would say that I am not an avid visitor of YouTube, but whenever I am in need of a visual explanation of things, YouTube IS the answer. Initially, what I would think of YouTube would be a platform to share any form of video – meaning videos shared through YouTube are mainly for entertainment purposes, not exactly informational but used to past time, or have a laugh or two.

However, as I seek to use it for informational purposes, I would say that informational videos have been uploaded to the site increasingly, some of which are very creative as well. So maybe YouTube, after all, is not just a site for funny videos and snippets of TV programs and movie trailers.

As we observe this trend, maybe YouTube has a bigger meaning to it!

A positive outlook would be, it is a platform now, for talents and opinionated individuals to air their views and talk about issues or problems not just diplomatically, but creatively! As shown in the video below, students can easily create a video on Singlish in such a creative and entertaining manner.

I would certainly believe that technology has allowed people to increase in their creativity. Internet tools and platforms like YouTube has given people a chance to share their views in any way they want, which is perhaps the most liberating thing about the Internet.

With a tool like YouTube being available now, I certainly do wonder how future movies and TV programs will be like as creativity will sooner of later go beyond boundaries.

In class, as Mr Choy discussed how Google has become something so informative and user-friendly in terms of information seeking (as shown in the first video), we can see an evolution in learning as well - learning is no longer just knowing as information is just at our fingertips, but learning equate to creating - like what YouTube is created for.

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