Saturday, April 10, 2010

The BIG Future of Internet

The web of the future as shown above would turn into one that functions based on Web 3.0. The amount of information that is transmitted across the globe, everywhere, is increasing ever so rapidly!

Because of how knowledge has increased so much now, jobs are no longer the same as before, learning too, even ways of exercising, television, journalism etc. are changing from traditional, to highly modern.

From what I have learnt in class, the future Internet would seek to understand an individual – the semantic web. The web would no longer be directed by humans, but would direct humans instead.

Brown (2000) states that, “Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the difference between the human and the machine. All body parts will be replaceable. A computer will function like the human brain with the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling way. They will then produce fake people.”

This may sound like a very amusing and impossible future, but how can we ever know?

No caveman ever thought that language even exists and now, look! We have so many kinds of languages all over the world!

The Internet was created at first, for the purpose of war and battles, but now, it is an ubiquitous tool, EVERYWHERE.

When I looked at the videos in COM125 class, telling me how different forms of technology will soon be formed and placed in our everyday lives, I felt fearful.

I am fearful because this kind of world would be one I would not even dream of living in, and yet now, there is a hint of possibility in it.

I am not excited to be in this utterly advanced world where everything is created for extreme convenience. But who am I to control all these?

No way would I want to order anything anymore if things are going to be like this.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Cowardly Bullies.

"I've thought of killing myself multiple times. I tried once. That's when my mom took me to therapy," said Sara, who has been

relentlessly cyberbullied via IM, Facebook and Internet forums since seventh grade.

It is infuriating to see that social networking sites can be abused and used as platforms for bullying and teasing.

Let’s define a social network:

A social network is a social structure made of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes," which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.

Oh man, why do they have to include “dislike” into the definition? Apart from that, as we can see in the definition, social networking

is, more than anything, a way for friendship and exchange to occur. It is to create more bonds than to break bonds.

However, Sara’s case is considered minor, and just one out of the many kinds of cyber-bullying found in social networking sites.

Sara pointed out that, “"Cyberbullying is worse than to your face, because it's out there for everyone else to see. I don't' think that, le

gally, or in society, anyone takes cyberbullying seriously enough.”

Well how true is that. And true enough, it is worse because people do not have to tell that person the nasty thing face to face – you just type it down.

Such things on facebook can damage people, as for the bullies, they simply do not learn from their mistakes. And for the bullied, they just keep avoiding, till they cannot take it anymore.

We need a police force online that could monitor these forms of bullying. Really.